Spotify Growth Playbook Best Practices

A directory of best practices for the Spotify Growth Playbook.

We've compiled answers to the most common questions and requests surrounding our Spotify Growth Playbook. 🎉

👨‍🎨 To learn best practices for Ad Creative, please reference this guide:

Spotify Growth Playbook: Ad Creative Best Practices, How To's, and Examples

🎯 To learn best practices for Ad Targeting, please reference this guide:

Spotify Growth Playbook Targeting Best Practices and Examples

💰 To learn best practices for setting a Schedule and Budget, please reference this guide:

Spotify Growth Playbook Schedule and Budget Best Practices

👩‍🎤 To learn strategies for reducing your cost per follower, please reference this guide:

How to Reduce the Cost Per Follower in your Spotify Growth Campaign

⚠️ To learn how to appeal your ad if it has been disapproved by Facebook, please reference this guide:

My Spotify Growth Playbook Ad Was Disapproved by Facebook. What Do I Do?

Last updated