How to Target Facebook Event Engagers

How to target Facebook Event engagers using ToneDen's Facebook Advertising platform

Itโ€™s extremely easy to target anyone who's ever interacted with your brandโ€™s events on Facebook.

To target these fans, make sure you have Page Advertiser or Page Admin access to the Facebook Page of the brand.

In the "Modify Target Audiences" section, you'll want to hit "Add New" towards the middle of your screen to pull up our target audience options.

Then select either of the following options:

From there, select the page from which youโ€™d like to target your event engagement traffic by using the dropdown. We'll default to targeting engagement traffic from All Events from your page, but you can always get more granular a by targeting engagers of a specific event(s) using the second dropdown.

Tip: ToneDen defaults to using event engagement data from the past 365 when creating these audiences.


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