Facebook Ads Troubleshooting & FAQs

Stuck with something that could be impacting your Facebook Ads? Here's a guide that covers the most common issues.

We've compiled a list of the most common issues our users run into when using our Facebook Advertising Platform.

The most common issue our users run into is that their ad was disapproved by Facebook.

If your ad was disapproved by Facebook, you can refer to this guide to get it approved:

How to Appeal a Disapproved Facebook (or Instagram) Ad

You can also view this video guide:

Other Resources for Facebook Ads Trouble Shooting

How to Appeal a Disabled Facebook Ad AccountHow Long Does It Take for My Ad Campaign to Go Live?Last-Minute Campaign Performance TipsHow to Change Your Attribution WindowHow Do I Test My Messenger Ads?How to Deactivate an item in your Product CatalogOverlapping Locations Can't Be UsedHow To Preview Audio In A Video AdConnect to Business Manager to Create This AudiencePayment Method Missing, Unsettled Account, or Spend Limit Reached

Last updated