How to connect ToneDen to your Zapier account
Automate your workflows further with Zapier
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Automate your workflows further with Zapier
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Zapier is an automation platform that lets you connect hundreds of apps to automate your workflow. Acting as a conduit between apps, Zapier puts time-consuming tasks on autopilot to let you focus on your most meaningful work.
Zapier’s API connects ToneDen with the apps that are integral to your workflow. Rather than hopping from app to app, Zapier facilitates integrations that consolidate your work.
It all begins with a Zap–the micro-workflow tasks that Zapier lets you automate in its intuitive drag-and-drop interface. Zaps are powerful. They let you do pretty much anything you want.
1. To connect ToneDen with Zapier, first you’ll need to connect your ToneDen account with your Zapier account. Head over to your profile settings and locate Developers to the left in your Admin Settings.
2. Sign-in to your existing Zapier account or create a new one.
Each Zap automates a cause-and-effect or trigger-and-action relationship: When this happens (trigger), then do this (action). For example, you can create a Zap to connect web purchases with your MailChimp list: When this happens (a ticket is purchased from your website), then do this (add that fan’s information to your MailChimp list).
There are two ways you can create Zaps: with a Zap template or from scratch.
You can find our pre-built Zap Templates here or by searching for ToneDen. To use a Zap template, click Learn More.
1. Choose ToneDen App and Select a Trigger Event. This is what starts the Zap.
2. Sign-in to ToneDen to connect your ToneDen account to Zapier.
3. Allow Zapier to connect to your ToneDen account.
4. Customize your trigger event by choosing the type of campaign you want to receive information from and specific type of campaign(s) you want to monitor.
5. Click Test Trigger. If Zapier finds an example item, you'll proceed to set up the rest of your Zap.
Zapier will attempt to find a recent item from your trigger app to use in the Zap. For example, if your trigger is a new fan email in ToneDen, Zapier will pull in a recent email you've received. This email can then be used as test data in an action step later in the Zap.
5. Choose an Action for your trigger event. After you've set up your Zap trigger, the next step is to add an action to your Zap. An action is a job your Zap performs when your trigger event occurs.
For example, if you want to add or update email subscribers from new fans gained through into a Google Sheet, the Zap action is to add a row in Google Sheets.
6. Select an Action Event. This is performed when the Zap runs.
7. Test & Review to see if your action is working as expected. When your action is set up successfully, a green checkmark icon will appear in the top left of the step. Toggle On or Off to launch your Zap.
8. Name your Zap so you can easily identify it on your Zapier dashboard.
To add more information about your Zap, give your Zap a description. In the right sidebar, click the gear icon to open the Settings tab, then enter your text in the Description field. Your changes will be saved automatically.